Section 4 (d) of the STC Act of 1982 provides that one of the main objects of the STC is “to export goods”. While STC main focus is to meet domestic demand, there occur from time to time opportunities or need to export a small part of its stocks. STC does re-export limited quantities of products to respond to unforeseen sporadic demand to meet short-term regional needs. Its competitiveness is derived from the advantage of bulk purchase tender prices that can offset additional freight cost. Re-export also adds to volume and to stock renewal. It also allows STC to take advantage of significant price movements on the world market. Traders who wish to draw supplies, particularly rice and flour, from STC for export are invited to contact us at the following address:

State Trading Corporation

A: 55, Business Zone, Ebene Cybercity 72201, Ebene, Reduit, Mauritius.
T: (+230) 401 0800
F: (+230) 489 1861