Tariffs & Taxes for Commodities Imported by the STC

Product H.S. Code Customs Duty Duty Payable
Mogas 27101919 Import Excise Duty: (IED) Rs 14.80/Litre 15% of (CIF + MID + IED)
Dual Purpose Kerosene (Inter) 27101931 NIL NIL
Dual Purpose Kerosene (Inland) 27101939 MID MID
Gas Oil (Inland) 27101950 Import Excise Duty: Rs 7.30/Litre 15% of (CIF + MID + IED)
Gas Oil (Bunkering) NIL NIL
Fuel Oil (Inland) 27101969 No excise duty 15% of (CIF+ MID)
Fuel Oil (Bunkering) NIL NIL
Fuel Oil (Inland-A/CEB) NIL 15% of CIF + MID
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) 27111300 NIL 15% of CIF + MID
Additives for Lead-free Mogas 38119000 NIL 15% of CIF + MID
Rice 10064000 NIL NIL
Flour 11010000 15% of CIF (STC is exempted) NIL
Cement 25232900 NIL 15% of CIF

CIF - Cost Insurance and Freight
IED - Import Excise Duty
MID - Maurice Ile Durable
MID - Rate :
(I) All Petroleum products - Rs 0.30 / Litre
(II) LPG - Rs 0.30 / Kg

Regulatory Framework Acts